Press releases - Regio Adrbi


Press releases

News regarding REGIO implementation in the Bucharest-Ilfov Region

The Bucharest-Ilfov Regional Development Agency (BIRDA) organized, in cooperation with the InfoEuropa Center of the Department for European Affairs, a new seminar for promoting the results of the implementation of the Regional Operational Program - REGIO.

Technical assistance for the 2011-2012Regio implementation in the Bucharest-Ilfov region

The Bucharest-Ilfov Regional Development Agency, Intermediary Body for the Regional Operational Program, concluded the technical assistance contract, SMIS code 37047/July 13th, 2011, with the Ministry of Regional Development and Tourism (MRDT) on priority axis VI of Regio – Regional Operational Program, key area of intervention 6.1, "Supporting the implementation, management and evaluation of Regio", "Support for the implementation of ROP-IB/RDA ".

Seminar for promoting the results of REGIO implementation

The Bucharest-Ilfov Regional Development Agency (BIRDA) organized, in cooperation with the InfoEuropa Center of the Department for European Affairs, a seminar for promoting the results of the implementation of the Regional Operational Program - REGIO.

Acquiring the “PRO REGIO” Bucharest-Ilfov project

The Bucharest-Ilfov Regional Development Agency (BI RDA), in its capacity of intermediary body (IB) for Regio-Regional Operational Program, signed with the Ministry of Regional Development and Tourism (MRDT) the technical assistance contract SMIS code 16072 of June, 22nd 2010 with funding from priority axis VI of Regio, key intervention area 6.2 "Supporting information and publicity activities for the implementation of Regio".

Completing the “PRO REGIO 2010 Bucharest-Ilfov” program

The Bucharest - Ilfov Regional Development Agency (BI RDA), in its capacity as Intermediary Body (IB) for Regio - 2007-2013 Regional Operational Program in the Bucharest-Ilfov Region, notifies the completion of the "PRO REGIO Bucharest –Ilfov 2010” project, SMIS code 16072.

Completing the “Support for the implementation of the 2007-2013 ROP in the Bucharest –Ilfov Region” program

The Bucharest - Ilfov Regional Development Agency (BI RDA), in its capacity as Intermediary Body (IB) for Regio - 2007-2013 Regional Operational Program in the Bucharest-Ilfov Region, notifies the completion of the “Support for the implementation of the 2007-2013 ROP in the Bucharest –Ilfov Region” program, SMIS Code 13373.

A new financial allocation through REGIO for Bucharest-Ilfov

The Bucharest-Ilfov Regional Development Agency ( BIRDA) made it public the opening of a new call with continuous submission in order to access the financial allocation of 80 million Euros for investments in the Bucharest-Ilfov region, through priority axis 1 of REGIO - Regional Operational Program in the rehabilitation of the urban infrastructure and development of urban services, rehabilitation of the social infrastructure and sustainable development of the business environment.

The situation of the REGIO application submission for Bucharest-Ilfov, Axis 1

The report of the assessment commission forwarded by the Bucharest-Ilfov Regional Development Agency (BIRDA) was approved by the Management Authority of ROP (MA ROP) within the Ministry of Regional Development and Tourism.Thus, five Integrated Plans of Urban Development (IPUD) and seventeen projects qualified for the next stage.

Cre?terea capacit??ii institu?ionale a ADR Bucure?ti - Ilfov prin achizi?ionarea unui sediu

Agen?ia pentru Dezvoltare Regional? Bucure?ti-Ilfov a achizi?ionat un sediu care s? r?spund? nevoilor personalului propriu, cu sprijin financiar de la Uniunea European?. În data de 28 noiembrie 2008, Agen?ia pentru Dezvoltare Regional? Bucure?ti-Ilfov, în calitate de beneficiar, a semnat contractul de finan?are pentru proiectul ?Cresterea capacitatii institutionale a ADR Bucuresti Ilfov prin achizitionarea unui sediu?, investi?ie finan?at? de Uniunea European? cu fonduri nerambursabile, prin programul PHARE 2006 Coeziune Economic? ?i Social? "Sprijinirea ADR-urilor pentru reabilitarea /construc?ia /achizi?ia de sedii" linia de buget RO-PHARE-2006/018- Finan?area nerambursabil? a proiectului a fost de 675.000 de euro.

Technical assistance for implementing Regio at the level of the Bucharest-Ilfov region

The Bucharest-Ilfov Regional Development Agency (BIRDA) concluded a contract of technical assistance with the Ministry of Regional Development and Tourism (MRDT), SMIS code 13373 of February, 23rd 2010 on priority axis VI of Regio - Regional Operational Program, key intervention 6.1 "Support for implementing, managing and assessing Regio", Support for implementing ROP-IB/RDA".

Completion of the “Bucharest-Ilfov PRO REGIO Project”

The Bucharest-Ilfov Regional Development Agency (BIRDA), in its capacity as Intermediary Body (IB) for Regio - 2007-2013 Regional Operational Program in the Bucharest-Ilfov Region notifies the completion of the "Bucharest-Ilfov Pro Regio" contract (SMIS code 1672), concluded with the Ministry of Regional Development and Tourism, as Management Authority for Regio.

A fost finalizat primul contract cu finantare REGIO pentru ADRBI

Agentia pentru Dezvoltare Regionala Bucuresti Ilfov (ADRBI), in calitate de Organism Intermediar (OI) pentru Regio - Programul Operational Regional 2007-2013 in Regiunea Bucuresti Ilfov, anunta finalizarea proiectului "Implementarea Programului Operational Regional 2007-2013 in Regiunea Bucuresti Ilfov", Cod SMIS 1983.

Masuri de stimulare a accesului la finantare Regio in Bucuresti-Ilfov

Agentia pentru Dezvoltare Regionala Bucuresti-Ilfov (ADRBI) a organizat in data de 28 iulie 2009 doua evenimente menite sa dinamizeze accesul la finantarea nerambursabila prin Regio-Programul Operational Regional.

Comunicat de presa 07.07.2009

Ca urmare a articolului cu titlul "Concediu de odihna la fonduri europene", publicat in datele de 6.07.09 si 7.07.09 de mai multe agentii de presa si cotidiene, Agentia pentru Dezvoltare Regionala Bucuresti Ilfov (ADRBI) precizeaza:

Cea mai mare alocare financiara (120,79 mil Euro) prin REGIO pentru regiunea Bucuresti Ilfov prin DMI 1.1. Planuri de dezvoltare urbana – centre urbane

Agentia pentru Dezvoltare Regionala Bucuresti-Ilfov, in calitate de Organism Intermediar pentru REGIO (Programul Operational Regional 2007-2013), a organizat la Centrul LITEXCO, str. Stirbei Voda, nr 104-106 seminarul de informare pentru domeniul major de interventie (DMI) 1.1. Planuri integrate de dezvoltare urbana, cu o alocare financiara pentru regiunea Bucuresti-Ilfov de 120,79 mil Euro.