Priority Axis 1 - Regio Adrbi


Priority Axis 1

Supporting sustainable development of towns - urban growth poles.

Key intervention area 1.1 - "Urban development integrated plans"

"Urban centers" sub-area

NEW!!!BUCHAREST - ILFOV Urban centers RELAUNCH - The funding applications may be submitted at the quarters of BIRDA, starting with March, 8th 2010 9.00 a.m. Download the Applicant's Guide Corrigendum 1

The first project application was launched on November, 6th 2008, and the funding applications have been submitted in the period between December, 2nd 2008 and March, 31st 2009.

"Urban development poles" sub-area

The open project call was launched on November, 20th 2008. The funding applications may be submitted starting with December, 2nd 2008. The only eligible localities are those assigned as "urban development poles" by means of GD no. 998 of 2008, amended by GD 1149 of 2008. The localities of the Bucharest-Ilfov region are not eligible.

"Growth poles" sub-area

The open project call was launched on December, 8th 2008. The only eligible localities are those assigned as "growth poles" by means of GD no. 998 of 2008. The localities of the Bucharest-Ilfov region are not eligible.

1.1 MA ROP Clarifications