24.06.2009 - Regio Adrbi



Until 2013, over 390 million Euros will be allocated to the Bucharest-Ilfov region through the Regional Operational Program, states the "Adevarul", newspaper without forgetting to mention that "for the Municipality of Bucharest the amounts available for investment budgets (general and sector) are less relevant than in other regions.

Until the end of June 2009, 101 projects were submitted for funding through the Regional Operational Program at the headquarters of the Bucharest-Ilfov Regional Development Agency. Out of these 101 only 31 were signed, the others being in various assessment stages, states the "Agenda Constructiilor", magazine, in an article presenting the situation of the projects on short (submitted, assessed, and contracted).

Bucharest, on the last position for accessing regional development funds , stated the Ziarul Financiar newspaper, assuming a declaration of Radu Ancuta, advisor in the Ministry of Regional Development and Housing (MRDH). The Bucharest-Ilfov region accessed in the 2007 - 2009 period 13.9% of the non-reimbursable European funds through the Regional Operational Program.

Euractiv writes about the MRDH promise of resuming the 4.3 REGIO component, funding for microenterprises.Doina Surcel, general manager for approval and program payments within MRDH, stated that this will take place in the second half of July. In 2008, in the Bucharest-Ilfov region, 29 projects were contracted on the same component and 5 more are in the process of being contracted.

Hotnews uses the same opportunity to present a series of solutions for attracting EU funds: clerks hired with no payment, pro-bono assessors or already assessed projects.The author of the article starts from the idea that one of the main problems is related to the employees of the competent budgetary institutions which are too small for such a big war.