Note for enforcing Order no. 1360/1938/2011 regarding the categories of eligible expense for KAI 1.1 - Regio Adrbi


Note for enforcing Order no. 1360/1938/2011 regarding the categories of eligible expense for KAI 1.1

The Management Authority for the Regional Operational Program issued Note no. 47800/June 21st, 2011 for enforcing Order no. 1360/1938/2011 on approving the categories of eligible expenses – key are of intervention 1.1 “Integrated plans of urban development” within priority axis “Supporting the sustainable development of cities – urban growth poles” within the 2007-2013 Regional Operational Program, published in the Official Gazette no. 327/May 11th, 2011. Documentul poate fi desc?rcat din meniul al?turat.

The document can be downloaded from the adjoining menu.
